
Volvic is said to be very good water for espresso machines, causing little or no scaling and facilitating great taste in espresso.

In The Netherlands though, Volvic is rarely found in shops.

I found a source now: https://www.lyreco.com/webshop/NLNL/welcome?lc=NLNL

There I ordered two 8L bottles.

The water kettle that I also use didn't scale up when using Volvic and the espresso tastes wonderful. I can't compare it side by side with the water from my inline BWT filter as I have just the one espresso machine. The espresso tasted wonderful before the Volvic water was delivered ;-)

here in Amsterdam we can look up the recent analysis of our tap water here:
and also request the most recent one on that page.
I will add this quarter's number:

There's also a booklet about water quality by the Specialty Coffee Association, see below. I just sent it and the one next to it to a fellow coffee enthousiast:


renatoa zei…
Let's fill in the blanks of a relative "...said to be very good..." with analysis of mineral composition. First letter of each row means Good, Low, High, related to the SCA recommended values range, check them in the second half of the post.

G pH 7 (neutral)
L Calcium (Ca) 12 - 11.5
BAD ! Chloride (Cl) 15
H Bicarbonate (HCO3) 74 - 71
G Sodium (Na) 12 - 11.6
G TDS 109 (dry residue 130)


Presence of chlorine is the worst of this water, horrible taste to coffee.
Fortunately, can be removed easily by boiling and let rest for one hour, or filtering with a basic active carbon water filter, used by most cheap water filter jug.

The SCA target and recommended range of values are here:
Frans zei…
Where I live there's no noticeable chlorine in the water, luckily ;-)
We can look up the recent analysis here:
and also request the most recent one on that page.
I will add the numbers top the blog above.