Modifying the Mazzer Mini

The hopper on my Mazzer Mini is a bit big for my method of single dosing . I typically grind just 14 to 20 grams of beans at a time, enough for one cup of espresso. This way the beans stay as fresh as possible in their bag. In a cafe environment this would be too fussy and there the hopper is very handy as a lot of coffee can be thrown in. There, kilos of beans are used every day so the freshness of the beans should not be at risk. From the top, the beans travel downward, through the burrs. Peter van der Weerd exchanged the original burrs for the ones made for the heavier Super Jolly model which are identical in size but different in cut. They grind faster which is a bit of a strain on the engine but no problem in a home environment. Below you see a metal sheet cut and bent to cover the chute , the little tunnel from the side of the burrs into the metal funnel. It is supposed to protect the fingers of any curious kid so they...