Arduino board checking espresso machine temp

How nice that Adafruit prints some basic info on the back side of the stamp-sized MAX31855. I first soldered on the blue unit that takes the K-type temperature probe. Next, the comb of pins that will have 5V and ground and the other connections with the Arduino board: one line for the Arduino to beat the time for all activity on our little blue island, one for the Arduino board to tell MAX when to check the temperature probe and report what it says and one data line to hand in the reports to Arduino. The mini MAX sitting on the breadboard ready to be wired. To the left next to it is the much more minuscule and vulnerable TMP36 IC which did temp measurement until now. Wired up, time to hook it up. The probe strapped to the hot brew group of the Ponte Vecchio Lusso 2 espresso machine. The circuit reports room temperature (well it's actually the internal temperature of the chip living on the blue MAX island but over there it's about as warm as it is here) and the t...