etzMAX and R120 taste comparison

This afternoon, Roemer Overdiep visited me to see the etzMAX and I was keen to check out a comparison between the huge Compak R120 and the etzMAX, since each is in about the same price category. I showed Roemer how the top of the hopper allows notes to be written upon it so one can have a stack of small hoppers each filled with their own selected single origin or blend of beans. Changing a hopper does not leave much behind to grind away: just about 9 grams. Roemer , a designer himself, gave the hopper another bird on top of it: Next, we did a series of taste comparisons. We used the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe natural, Gelana abaya by Catalyst Coffee Consulting, roasted by myself on the Coffee-Tech FZ-94. Roemer is a passionate chef so I appreciate his judgement in taste. We dialled in the grind setting on both machines in order to get 30g of espresso in about 30 seconds from 18g of grinds, after a pre-infusion of 5 seconds at about 3.5 bar. We tasted the shots di...