Tiny Fluid Bed Roaster, new edition

See also:


Tije designed and constructed a new roast chamber, Jan worked on new Arduino & Artisan control boards en we got a new blower since the earlier one is only available occasionally which does not work well for production.

The Artisan software worked well!

TC4 source:

During this first test, we found that the blower control does not work optimally as it blew out two SSRs before we reverted back to manual Variac operation of the blower. The PID settings to control heater intensity also needs some work and Tije has already (while I was editing the video) worked on a heat isolation of the roast chamber.

More updates soon!



Corneel zei…
Leuk! Met mijn versie vd brander heb ik ook 2 ssr opgeblazen. De derde, zwaar over gespecificeerd, werkt goed.
Gaat jullie een productie opzetten? Benieuwd naar de ontwikkelingen en het ontwerp.
Frans zei…
Hoi Corneel, zou leuk zijn ook wat over jouw versie te publiceren! Of heb je dat al gedaan? Productie -- daar komt veel bij kijken. Mogelijk, later. Groet! Frans
Unknown zei…
What is v7 of TC4? TC4 website and repo have only v6. Whats changed since v6 :)
Frans zei…
I don't see mention of v7 in the above. Best check the TC4 website for more info: https://github.com/greencardigan/TC4-shield/tree/master/applications/Artisan/aArtisan_PID/branches/aArtisanQ_PID_6
Unknown zei…
Im talking about TC4 board itself. In your video, on 43sec its v7.00 -> https://i.imgur.com/oO4c84v.png
Although on http://www.mlgp-llc.com/arduino/public/arduino-pcb.html there only v6
Frans zei…
Ah okay. That's Jan van der Weel's department. You could leave a comment on his page that is also linked above:
Unknown zei…
I dont think its possible to leave comments there, it says to leave comment login but there no way to register to be able to login :)
Frans zei…
Sorry about that. I have forwarded this conversation to him!
Frans zei…
Jan writes he had not realised the responses were not enabled yet, will be corrected. He also thinks we're using this version:
but then it remains a little mystery why 7.0 was briefly appearing on the screen you spotted...
Frans zei…
PS It's TC4 board v7 and firmware v6 -- that explains it!! (Thanks Jan!)
Unknown zei…
Ye, thats my question what is TC4 board v7 when on TC4 website there only v6 listed as a last version of TC4 board :) http://www.mlgp-llc.com/arduino/public/arduino-pcb.html
Frans zei…
Ah I see! I'll ask Jan again. I did see that v7 was available early this year already:
"Is there a specification of the TC4? I have the version V7.00."
freak zei…
Hello, how did you seal the doors?
Frans zei…
I will ask Tije but I think it's just a perfect fit of the door part, straight lines, no rough edges.
Frans zei…
PS Tije explains: perfect fit plus a layer of felt on the surface where two are touching.