Peter van der Weerd saving a vintage soda siphon

Earlier I wrote a blog entry about repairing Soda Siphons using some parts of the basic repair set for my LONDINIUM espresso machine.

There remained a few soda siphons that I was unable to fix and when I visited Peter of I took these with me for him to have a look at them.

A few were easily fixed with rubber seals Peter had in his collection, but one was more difficult. To get to the tiny piston with the old used-up seals, the handle / trigger needed to come off and the little screw had no intention of letting go after being stuck in the head of the siphon for maybe fifty years.

The picture story (which ends with the soda siphon in full glory) starts when Peter uses a drill to make a hole through the screw, about as wide as the screw itself:

Drilling out the stubborn screw

Getting a grip on the siphon head to create a new thread

Creating the new thread

Taking out the old worn rubber seal off the piston top

New seal on the top, created new seal in the middle, using a tight fitting piece of a silicone hose, just so long as to make it slip over the rim. This way it is able to move inside the head, and it resists any water wanting to slip up past it towards the hole the handle sticks out of. And thus, no leaks anymore we hope!

Slipping the piston back in

Still need to find a new / vintage screw that will fit the thread

Found one! Only the head is just a little too big.

Making the head just a little smaller
Perfect fit again!

Getting ready to saw off the other end of the screw.



Ready to test!

Screwing in the CO2 capsule

It works again, and no leaks! A 50 year old sodaa siphon reborn

Thanks Peter!!!


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