Numbers don't have time

This article about several possible approaches to designing class D amplifiers like the Hexateq monos has lines that to me are more beautiful than some literature. Like "the digital integrator takes the signal for what it means, whereas the analogue integrator takes it for what it looks like, regardless of any meaning." Delightful, isn't it? Plus the article is typeset in TeX , a system I've grown fond of since hearing about it for the first time 20 years ago. A good number of the most pleasant and intelligent people in the world use it. They may sometimes need to bother with MS Word to communicate with dreary people, but all they really put an effort in doing, is explained about and shared using TeX . The article was written for the 120th convention of a society of audio engineers, held in Paris in the spring of 2006. It must have been a wonderful spring meeting, with quotes like "Numbers don't have frequency, in the same way that they don'...