Roasting Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Natural Bombe beans / energy use

 A shorter roast than some other beans, hence a little less energy use

The date info on the Fritz!DECT210 is not always correct. Sometimes the energy use appears 'stacked' on the column of the previous day and then the next day moved to that new day even if I didn't roast at all that day.


renatoa zei…
How was the dotted line BT generated?
Looks like not the result of a measurement... missing the TP part ...
Frans zei…
Thankyou, that is a funny remark ;-)

Many roasting machines are unable to insert the BT probe at the same time as CHARGE.

This results in the probe being very hot at CHARGE, then suddenly cooling down when the room temp beans flush over the hot probe and at a certain moment when the beans warming up and the probe cooling down have the same temp people call that TP.

For the beans there is no Turning Point, they just start at room temp and get a lot warmer in the roaster.

So you can imagine what the result is when one is able to insert the room temp probe into the roaster at the same time as the room temp beans fall into the roaster...

renatoa zei…
Yes, I surely know the false problem and debates about BT in the first two minutes... but never thought, nor heard, about such solution, to insert BT later... very smart ! :)

The same look is in my FB sampler, so I am more than familiar with this natural BT evolution.
That's why I was curious how a preheated drum behave the same.
Frans zei…
Ah! Good. So we both do it the correct way without the idiotic assumption of there being a 'turning point' in the bean temp ;-)

I don't understand why most drum roasters are built in a way that does not easily facilitate a more realistic Bean Temp.

Chris zei…
Very nice... inserting the BT probe at the time of charge. Better data and a clearer understanding of how the beans and machine respond based on charge temps. May head back to the drawing boards and modify a newly built roaster to do the same... I messaged you on the HB site if you're curious.