Small grinder Mammoth shot

Pulling a 40g shot of high extraction quality espresso using 25g of grinds from the small COMPAK E5 grinder, the VSTlabs 25g precision basket, the Londinium distribution tool and the Londinium L-R espresso machine. This new 25g basket may require a specially modified naked portafilter (mine was slightly widened by Tije de Jong in Amsterdam). It enables one to pull a large volume espresso with a tremendous mouthfeel. If you normally start the day with two shots, this one will send you off for the day by itself. After preparing one with the huge R120 grinder, I tried one with the much much smaller E5 grinder and it performed very well. A blast of taste, not due to under-extraction but very nice and balanced.

This E5 can really pull its weight, plus more.

Small grinder Mammoth shot from Frans Goddijn on Vimeo.

PS I used 11.08% TDS in my calculation but it was (as seen in the video) 11.80% TDS which leads to an even better result of 20.27% Extraction.
