Tije turning a LONDINIUM portafilter into a 'naked'

Since the standard 'naked' portafilter from LONDINIUM is excellent but a little too tight at the lower end to facilitaie the new Transparent Portafilterbasket  that Tije produced, Tije took one of my regular L1 portafilter and changed it into a naked one that exactly fits the transparent one.

Unscrewing the double spout

Double spout off. Future TPF on the right

Heating the metal to soften up the plastic handle Loctite

Softened up, the thread does not stick anymore and unscrews

PF in the lathe

Circular saw ready to start eating away

Grinding away, advancing slowly

And gone is the bottom!

Sharp edges still

Filing away the sharp edge

And ready! Perfect fit for the transparent basket

Fitted on the LONDINIUM 1 ready for action


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