Last of Merijn's beans

The third batch out of Merijn's "Addis" beans tasted fair, although it was a little too lightly roasted. The grinder turned very heavy, the smell of the grinds was delicious and the coffee very nice albeit a little too acidy.

I used 180g out of the last green in the bag to roast a little longer and to see how 180g go in the Roastilino. Sometime soon I will be test roasting two 180g bags with the guys from the Trakteren cafe so I needed to see how the roaster handles this. With just two different bags of beans one has just that one shot at it.

First I removed the stones and other oddities from the beans. Below, pictures of the debris, the roast profile logged by Artisan, and the result:

Debris and odd beans

Roast profile



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