Roasting got simple

After experimenting much with the visible, half-hidden en behind-the-scenes options of the Fracino Roastilino, we have settled on a very simple and straightforward method to roast batch after batch to a delicious quality.

The extensive tweaking of PID offset, changing target temperatures along the way to keep the machine on a a tight leash for every moment of the roast, changing the air inlet opening and some other things we tried out, has been very useful to get a feel for the process.

We replaced the internal probe with another K-type probe and fastened it in the roasting chamber together with the identical probe that we were already using for monitoring, through the Artisan software.

Now both probes show the same value.

Before, when the target value was reached, the PID would allow the temperature in the chamber to drop a little but we don't see that anymore now the probe is in the actual chamber (out of factory it's right below the chamber, as close as possible to it).

Also, we don't need to manually change the target temp anymore during the roast, unless we're dialing in for beans we haven't roasted before. The best routine now seems to be:

1) target temperature 225 - 230 degrees Celsius
2) timer on 6 minutes (give or take 10s, depending on the beans)
3) load 230g green beans
4) go

Out comes batch after batch of deliciously roasted beans. When the cooling cycle starts, we take out the drawer with chaff so the roaster can blow out hot air even easier. We take out the beans when they are below 40ÂșC.

I enclose one graph. We frequently even just skip the monitoring, as it is working so well and we don't need to analyze much anymore.

Special thanks to Adam Craig of LOT61 who helped us out with wonderful green beans and some good advice, and also special thanks to Eric and Edward at TRAKTEREN for extensively testing and tasting the beans we roasted.
