Blue is the new green

A new component arrived in the mail. Very tiny. One could accidentally swallow it without chewing. I like its name very much: Thermocouple Amplifier MAX31855 breakout board (MAX6675 upgrade) - v1.0. It sounds very serious and 'MAX' seems to suggest that one shouldn't underestimate it just because of its size. I also like the 'Red' and 'Yellow' reference on the blue board. Bold enigmatic statements on a blue board. I can see it on display in a modern art museum, on the wall, a Swiss magnifying glass suspended on a wire beside it.

By the way where did the blue come from? I remember such boards with the connections printed in thin copper, often home made and etched out in acid, used to be rusty-yellowish and later green but all of a sudden it's blue all over. Do the really hip board designers call this Arduino Blue? 


Snah zei…
MAX = Maxim Integrated Products
Frans zei…
A that's it! Max in Oregon. They also have a new MAX31855 that "Converts Output of a K-Type Thermocouple Directly to a Signed 14-Bit Digital Word"
Frans zei…
John replied in a mail:

"The Max Blue line is a Portland Oregon train route. Coincidence??"
Frans zei…
"The phrase BLUE MAX is special however. Google it. It refers to a WWI German medal and/or Aviator about whom a movie (George Peppard) was made. There is a polish or glue called by that name, an engine called by that name and now an IC. Max Blue sounds as if he is a jazz bassist but I have not looked him up."

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