December Days in Germany

Last week I was in Germany for a few days. Checked into a nice hotel in a small city where nothing much is happening. Enough stuff to read, some videos to watch in my room where I also installed the basic equipment to prepare fine espresso. 

Listening to podcasts I hiked the (mostly quiet, rainy) streets. 

The shopping street had a small Xmas market where people could drink Glühwein and other alcoholics and eat snacks like spicy mushrooms fried in butter.

gas station cake

Espresso gear set up

old town view

Xmas market drinks

Fried mushrooms, garlic sauce, bun

Hairdresser telling folks NOT to sit there

Thinking of buying a home here?

Collage of clippings in a display window of deserted store

Hate speech spilling over from Twitter on to a wall

A man and his belongings, writing. I offered him money but he waved his arms wildly gesturing for me to stay away from him.

Next to a garbage pail, in the rain, some discarded art work

Picturesque old cobble stone streets

Espresso in room 304

Fairly hard water. Boiling it has what looks like snow flakes of scale floating on top

In a few days the bottom of the kettle covered with scale


City square, lots of space
