IMS 'Big Bang" basket

 I bought this, for fun and out of curiosity:

The Gesha beans that I currently use needed to be ground a LOT finer for this basket than I did fpor the 17g La Marzocco Strada basket (which I filled with 18g).

15g in the Big Bang basket fits well (larger dose tends to bump into the shower screen).

30g out in about 30s, reasonably good flow with some 'islands' of holes staying 'dry' for a couple of seconds even after the rest of the basket has a good flow going on, then all flows well.

I did clean the basket in cafiza before using so as to be sure the holes are all open and clean.

The special bean, light-medium roast gets a spicy element that it did not have in the Strada basket.

Extracted on the LONDINIUM LR24, pre-infusion pressure set to 5.2bar



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