Oil filter wrench to fasten Pavoni base

A fellow member (QuantumCat76) of the Dutch coffee forum www.koffiepraat.nl mentioned that he had found a cheap tool to fasten the boiler of his La Pavoni to the base. He could swivel the boiler left/right when pulling the lever sideways.

He explained that an 80--135mm oil filter wrench does the job and I bought one as well. Below I post some pictures, also indicating how it would fit on the base. I did not take off the pressostat pipe so the tool does not actually fit in the photo but the base of this Pavoni is fine so I did not want to take it apart.


Florian zei…
That seems very useful, thanks! Does it work for loosing the same as tightening the boiler or would the mechanism on it prevent it?
Frans zei…
Thankyou! I have not tried that loosing but I expect that will work as well. If I watch Youtube clips about oil filter removing tools similar gadgets appear...