Squeezebox still works

In 2005 I bought a Squeezebox network music player and a couple years later I gave it away. The friend who got it planned to figure out what can be done with it but was busy at the time (he still is) and the device gradually moved further into the background. A few years back the box that it landed in was moved along with lots of other stuff to his new house and today, as he was clearing up space he rediscovered it and sent me a picture of it in an app asking this came from me. He gave it back to me and I was keen to see if the thing would still work. It remembered its name, had to be told what WiFi I am on now and it remembered what music it last played. I downloaded the Logitech Media Server which was still online (!) and even that still worked. I'm especially fond of the dedicated 5V power supply that I purchased for it so long ago, the VDC-SB hand made by Channel Islands Audio . Tiny, modest, in the simple and neat body design of their high end products. Hans Beek...