Our "Tiny cheap coffee roaster" keeps getting bigger, with LOTS of work going into better construction to get more roasting capacity within reasonable power needs. Here Jan test drives the new control boards he assembled and programmed, but something goes amiss and the fan which should be silent at startup immediately blows full speed, so there might be a software bug or a TC4 that needs replacement. At 230V and 16Amp max, the roaster tosses and roasts 350g. The machine has plenty air capacity so if a heavier heating element is used (requiring a heavier power source) at least 700g batch size can be roasted. Sputnik 3 testing YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GVa0tLp_Eg Before working on the roaster, we had coffee together and Jan played a guitar that Tije recently restored: Tije liked the sound: A Dutch forum member asks about our further plans: Erg mooi! Is deze voor eigen gebruik? Of willen jullie er de verkoop mee in? I replie...