Tije's Roasting Room

Tije used to roast in his tool space / workshop but he has a new and beautiful space to roast now, on a high room with a view in one of the oldest parts of Amsterdam, one floor down from his loft. Tije writes: Yesterday I finished a makeover of our spare (guest-) room. I made a working bench, handy to store away some of our ‘junk’. It looks a bit more tidy now. At least for a while I will have the coffee roasting setup in here now. Today I did an attempt to reproduce a roast I did a month ago. The result is amazing: Marko Luther's Artisan roasting software and the small fluid bed roaster Jan van der Weel, Frans Goddijn and I built last year, seem to work very well together now. Batch 102 (Tonino 95) I did on june 24, Batch 106 (Tonino 92) I did today. The slight difference in color (the Tonino value) could be due to a different grind setting. Apart from this, the graphs are almost identical.