
It's BachoTeX time again in the woods along Bachotek lake. With workshops on Latin calligraphy, batik, long-stitch book binding and the combination of jazz and popular songs, conversations about smart battery chargers, corruption in present day regimes and tips to wash baseball caps. And coffee, of course. Bachotek Lake Not without basic coffee tools Early morning gathering Talking it over One of the guys Calligraphy workshop By Barbara Wilin´ska Young and old working hard Rechts: Lorien Otten Discussion Harald König Intermission conversation Working outside in the sun Karel Píska Batik At Willi Egger's Long-stitch Binding workshop At Willi Egger's Long-stitch Binding workshop At Willi Egger's Long-stitch Binding workshop (Martha & Lorien Otten, and others) Willi Egger at work Taco Hoekwater Teun Otten Bonfire Bonfire Bonfire Lorien Otten ...