A Secret Coffee Club: Discovering "Toast" by Charles Stross

Log cabin coffee corner Knowing about the small collection of coffee equipment that I take along when I'm traveling, Martin Schröder ( pictured in a red coat in a previous conference) pointed me to a remarkable piece of literary fiction by Charles Stross about a secret society of coffee aficionados that started at an assembly in the residence of Oscar Wilde with a history spanning more than a century. It's a story in a collection entitled Toast. The book has gone out of print and the author has made it available for free in several versions: http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/toast/toast-intro.html The club of coffee connoisseurs consists mainly of technically inclined males, just as present day coffee forums are primarily the domain of men with tools and lab equipment. "There are no artists, and precious few philosophers in our club." writes the secretary in 1939. The annals of the club reveal how several technical inventio...