Ah, found 1 thing that Sugru can't fix ;-)

This was done just for fun, to see if Sugru, a creative putty to fix or adorn a lot of little things, would be super strong. Turns out it isn't but it helps to get splattery footage and wet lenses.

I also tested a new LED light behind the group and the Olloclip clip-on lens for the phone.

Now I can't wait to use the new TPF basket and see if I can catch footage of the puck swelling and puffing after an extraction.

Tije remarks that the Sugu behaves remarkably well, as it ripped in the Sugru itself but did not  get ripped from the surface, so it sticks very well to the materials. Tije would like to use the Sugu for a sealant next time. I hope he will use red and yellow so you can 'see' the seals better!


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