Mandheling Roast on FZ94: Sliding Along the Roast Curve

In March last year I wrote about roasting Indonesian beans from Sumatra . These Mandheling beans needed a lot of sorting before the roast but the result was delightful. This year I bought a 60kg bag of Mandheling from a different source, Het Hoofdkwartier in Amstelveen and this shipment was much cleaner. There are very few beans to sort out and I was excited to see how these would roast and taste best. To compare the two, this is a picture of last years's Mandheling: And this year's Mandheling: This was also a good time to explore the "power slider" roast method that was recently enabled with the help of Tije de Jong who installed three SSR's inside the control space of the FZ94 roaster and Marko Luther who built this slider option into Artisan , creating the option to control the PID in such a way that the slider on the computer screen changes the intensity of the heat coming from the three heating elements below the rotating drum inside the FZ9...