PID settings on the Tiny Fluid Bed Roaster

by Tije de Jong Trial and error A few days ago I made a first successful attempt to improve the PID settings on the roaster. I’m certainly not an expert in this: I have only a faint idea of how a PID works, and what the effect is of each of the P, I, D-vaues. Therefore, a bit of trial and error seemed the best way to go for me. The settings I had been using since we fist got the roaster to work (P=1.0 =I=0.5 D=0.0), didn’t lead to the desired controllable roasting process. In particular during the drying phase, where the inclination of the profile is rather steep, I had to slide the background back and forth in order to get the machine on the right track. Once passed dry end, the system gained some stability. D for derivative I was told that the P-value could be regarded as the gas throttle of the machine. The function of the I and D were still a mystery to me. At first I tried increasing the I, which gave a slight better control, but still not ...