Sweet Lupin Coffee Roasting (hold your burrs)

Thanks to the editorial staff of Daily Coffee News for featuring this item on their news site ! --- Roasted lupin seed, photo by http://www.lupinfood.eu Food Design Two young product & food designers, Johanna Lundberg (SWE) en Lydeke Bosch (NL) visited me to roast sweet lupin seeds for 'coffee' preparation. Their thesis project for the HKU University of the Arts in Utrecht, The Netherlands is an exploration of the many possibilities for sweet lupin seed in the food industry. Not Poisonous Most lupin flowers that we find in gardens and parks carry poisonous seeds and the few people that have consumed lupin seeds only know them as pickled snacks that have been soaking in salted water for days to remove the bitter taste. The sweet lupin variety however is quite edible and can be used as a major ingredient to bake a cake, make a salad or prepare soup. Roast Profile I had found some basic numbers about roast temperatures for lupin and we used my Fracino Roasti...