Cold TS pipe ahead of 'hot' one until flush & switch

Caught a clear example of a very logical TS flow direction switch on the L1. The pipe that's designed to be the cooler one of the two is physically, when connecting to the brew group, lower and thus closer to the boiler. At warmup in the morning, it therefore heats up a tiny bit quicker than the upper pipe and for a few minutes it takes the lead with a flow from the lower pipe into the group and out of it through the upper pipe back into the heat exchanger. During a short 200ml open port flush at minute 10, the upper pipe heats more from water flowing out of the HX pipe going through the boiler, the lower pipe cools a bit and then they both are at the ideal start position for the regular flow, heating up the brew group further. Scace sitting next to the machine at 28ÂșC ambient temp.