Roasting Panama Boquette / energy
Update 16 March 2022:
1260g in -> 1062g out
1.1 kWh
10 minute roast
Doing multiple roasts back-to-back would save much energy since little warmup is needed for batches after the first. In my work flow it's convenient to have just 1-2 boxes with 1kg beans ready, preferably not from the same roast day. So a series of roast batches in one roastign session is not what I need.
Now charging 1.275g - 1.068g out, 1050g after measuring the sample for colour.
Energy use also slightly less.
At this charge weight an elegant looking roast curve is easier to get.
At a larger charge weight part of the curve is more like a straight line at a constant RoR.
Not sure if that's really important for a successful taste result though.