Tije widened a LONDINIUM portafilter to accommodate 25g VST basket

Vince Fedele of VSTlabs sent me a big new VST 25g capacity filter basket that almost fit my LONDINIUM portafilter and Tije de Jong made the rim along the bottom of the portafilter a little thinner and wider so now it fits perfectly.

Tije remarked that mostly such portafilters wobble a bit in the lathe as they are never perfectly round and centered but this one sat perfectly still in the lathe claws and he cut out a neat and even ring of brass.
Before: top portafilter with 18g VST bastet. After: bottom portafilter with 25g VST basket

With 25g VST basket

Portafilter with bottom made thinner and wider

Two neat rings or metal (brass and chrome) cut out

Close up (i.e. camera held nearer the object)


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